Rika's Family

Rika's Family

Webcomic and Webseries based on our life with our pets. Initiate as a comic for a blog, and then it became a web-comic and later we do some animation shorts about us. We decided to end this project because work didn't allow us to continue with KoriStudio projects. But you can read all the comic strips now translated to english on this post, also, some explanation about how this comic born and its process. Enjoy

"Have fun with the adventures of Rika, a narcissistic parrot and the problems she gives to her owners and their other pets."
  • Genres: Slice of Life, Comedy
  • Status: Finished.

Animated shorts

Unfortunately, I haven't done any more episodes due to the lack of audience on our channel and because I'm dedicating myself to other projects and commissions.

U P D A T E !

After a long time with this project on hold, how you can download the new Game "Rika's Adventures" free at Google Play. Enjoy.

Rika is a parrot who wants to eat a cake that was left in the kitchen. You have to help Rika by investigating her surroundings, solving puzzles, and making decisions to achieve her goal.
Download for free