Akira Toriyama Departure

I usually don't write news on this blog. But due to the importance of this person in my life I have felt the need to start writing. Akira Toriyama passed away on March 1st and it has been a very hard blow for all of us who have grown up with his works. I still remember the first time I watched Dragon Ball, I was 11 years old, they were steaming on open television and wihtout noticing I started watching the series. From that moment it captivated my curiosity and suddenly became my favorite series. Up today I must admit that Dragon Ball has been a great reference in my life. I don't usually post much related to that series on this account, since my fandom reaches a high point and I created an alternative account where I started uploading everything related to that topic, mostly because this is my work account, and I have tried to keep it as professional as possible.

Dragon Ball series, for many of us who have begun to study in this wonderful world, has been a reference when making the decision to study animation or comic creation. It was always an idea in my head, to follow in his footsteps. I still remember when I had to work in graphic design and after a few years I couldn't handle the work stress and decided to become a freelancer. It was 2012 and the Spain economic crisis was quite strong, so I decided to return to my native country to work independently. I had read Toriyama's biography several times and I remember that in the beginning he also dedicated himself to graphic design for several years and he couldn't handle so much stress either, so he quit his job to later follow his dreams. I remember that the first thing that went through my head was, if Toriyama could do it, it doesn't have to be that bad. He has always been present in my life, I have seen the anime a dozen times, and each time I enjoy it as if I were a child again. I still remember when the last "Dragon Ball SuperHero" movie was released, I was on the beach and despite not having a good signal, I was looking for places to read more about its release, like a little girl, eager to return to watch the movie.

Anyway, I think I've already expanded enough, anyway, I'm very sorry that he's no longer here, and due to his absence there will be a great void in our hearts, but there is something we can be sure of, Akira Toriyama even though is no longer in a physical body, his soul will be immortal, because despite the passing of the years, his works will become part of the history of our world and no one will be able to deny the legacy he has left behind him. Rest in Peace.

And maybe is something simple, because I haven't enough time to work on it, but i do this quick video dedicated to Toriyama departure. Hope you like it